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hujan asam bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "hujan asam"
  • hujan:    precipitation; rain; hail; rainy; wet;
  • asam:    acetous; acid; sour; acids; tamarind; sourly;
  • hujan:    precipitation; rain; hail; rainy; wet; hydrometeor; shower; raindrop; showery; cascade; rain down; pula; tinsel icicles; pelting; rainwater; rain water; rain shower; methane rain; storm; rainfall
  • asam:    acetous; acid; sour; acids; tamarind; sourly; acrid; tamarindo; trenchant; sourish; acid jazz; acidulent; tamarind tree; bitter; vinegary; acrimonious; poignant; racy; sharp; acidic; acidulous; acid
  • pokok hujan-hujan:    samanea saman
  • air hujan:    rain-water; rain-water~; rainwater; methane rain; tinsel icicles; rain water; pula; rain; hydrometeor
  • awan hujan:    cloud with rain
  • baju hujan:    raincoat; waterproof; mackintosh; macintosh
  • banyak hujan:    rainy; showery; rainily; rainy weather
  • curah hujan:    rainfall; rainwater; rain
  • guyuran (hujan):    shower
  • hari hujan:    in rains
  • hujan (kumpulan):    hujan
  • hujan acid:    acid rain
  • hujan ais:    rain and snow mixed
  • Vegetation impacts soils in numerous ways.
    Tanaman dipengaruhi oleh hujan asam dalam berbagai macam cara.
  • Or see her douse Lyle with that acid rain.
    Atau melihat dia menyiram Lyle dengan air hujan asam.
  • The acid rain was falling on the forests.
    Hujan asam turun di hutan-hutan.
  • The greenhouses keep out the acid rain.
    Rumah-rumah kaca mencegah hujan asam.
  • Acid rain has left the land barren, and the water toxic.
    Hujan asam telah membuat tanah tandus dan air beracun.
  • Looks like acid rain on Sweetwater!
    Ini seperti hujan asam di Sweetwater.
  • When was the rain not acidic.
    Ketika hujan asam tidak terjadi.
  • They increase the acidity of the atmosphere and form acid rain.
    Apa yang dihasilkan menambah keasaman atmosfer dan mengakibatkan hujan asam.
  • --resistant to corrosion of corrosive gas,air,acid rain.
    - Tahan terhadap korosi gas korosif, udara, hujan asam.
  • Ultraviolet rays, ozone, acid rain,and keep it's fresh color.
    sinar ultraviolet, ozon, hujan asam, dan tetap warnanya segar.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5